CRM Software for JuiceCentre using Zoho - Optimize My Data

CRM Software for Juice Centre using Zoho

Discover how Lakshmi Juice Centre increased revenue and improved customer service with OptimizeMyData using custom Zoho CRM solution tailored to their specific needs.


  • Organize customer data and interactions to improve customer service
  • Automate sales and marketing processes to increase revenue
  • Provide insights into customer behavior and preferences to inform business decisions


  • Data migration
  • Customization to meet specific needs, including setting up sales pipelines, creating custom fields for customer data
  • Training to the staff
  • Provided ongoing support to ensure the software update as needed and to meet their needs.


  • Improved customer service
  • Increased revenue
  • Better marketing, such as automated email campaigns
  • Informed decision-making about product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives