Why Managed Services

  • We relieve organizations from the pressure of keeping updated with the latest technological advancements.
  • We take care of all the regulatory compliance that needs to be met ahead of the deadline.
  • We will help you to cover the gaps in terms of lack of technical expertise among the internal team in the organization.
  • Our experts will protect your critical information against cyber attacks.
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One of the main advantages of managed IT services is that they can provide great insight and expertise to companies at predictable monthly costs. When organizations hire and train new internal staff, manage IT equipment, handle security or deploy systems on their own, unexpected expenses can come up as well. MSPs can help break down these costs into monthly fixed payments and reduce the huge in-house expenditures on an organization.

Types of IT Services

Here are some other types of IT services provided by OMD as MSPs
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Network and System Monitoring

One of the most time-consuming tasks for any organization is network and system monitoring. OMD helps organizations focus on optimizing performance and reducing losses by focusing on other important aspects of the organization.
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System Design and Upgrades

OMD works with organizations to understand their unique requirements and fulfill their business objectives keeping an eye on all the upcoming industry trends and changes in technology to ensure that upgrades are done routinely and the organizations stay ahead of their competition.
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Security Management

Another important role of the OMD is to protect an organization from cyber attacks. They provide regular software patching, maintenance, and other security management services.
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Backup and Disaster Recovery

OMD also ensures the integrity and safety of an organization’s data. They ensure adequate backups are always in place, and the data can be recovered easily in the event of a disaster.
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Auditing and Compliance

Compliance causes huge stress on organizations that do not have the expertise in it. Our experts are very familiar with all the compliance standards and can help organizations decrease the risks related to their client data, payment information, documentation, and other sensitive information.
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Analytics and Reporting

OMD provides regular analytics and reporting to help organizations evaluate their network performance and other KPIs by providing unbiased snapshots of workflows in the organization and even providing suggestions for improving them.

IT Strategy and consultancy

We help you to strategically make use of information technology. OMD has pioneered in helping MSMEs to gain a competitive advantage and be global leaders.
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IT Solutions

At Optimize My Data we specialize in providing value-added services to MSMEs s enabling them to conduct their business most efficient way and in a modernized manner.
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Managed Services

One of the main advantages of managed IT services is that they can provide great insight and expertise to companies at predictable monthly costs.
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