CRM Software for LaserVall Technologies - Optimize My Data

CRM Software for LaserVall Technologies

Discover how OptimizeMyData created LaserVall web application for Mr. Rajiv Panjiyar and helped boost customer engagement and retention, while streamlining operations for a better business experience.


  • Organise customer and AMC data
  • Track customer AMC purchases
  • Manage customer communication
  • Personalize messaging and posts
  • Monitor AMC purchases in real-time


  • Developed LaserVall with user-friendly interface and broadcasting tools
  • Tracks customer interactions and AMC purchases in real-time
  • Enables the admin to communicate and offer new AMC’s through the app


  • LaserVall connected Mr. Panjiyar with old customers
  • App tracked all AMC purchases, with real-time sales monitoring
  • Higher customer retention rates & AMC sales were achieved
  • LaserVall proved effective for customer engagement & management